Want to help?? Here is my Christmas Wish List:
- Two plane tickets for my daddy to come get me (he has to go home once to work): $3000
- One plane ticket for my mommy to come get me: $1500
- MY plane ticket HOME! $750
- My visa medical exam: $150
- My visa application so they let me into the U.S.! $404
- My passport so they let me out of my country! $600
- Gifts for the people who have been taking care of me until my mommy and daddy get here: $100
- Transportation for my mommy and daddy to come get me! $2000
- A place for mommy and daddy to stay while they get me: $3800 (6-7 weeks is a long time!)
- This last one is a lot, but I KNOW someone out there will be able to help: $9000 to pay for the lawers and translators to make it all official, plus a donation to the orphanage that has been taking care of me for FREE!
From Riley's mommy: If you feel led to a large donation ($500+) PLEASE consider sending a check, made payable to Reece's Rainbow, with "Riley for the StClair family" in the "for" line, and mailing it to:
Reece's Rainbow
P.O. Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885
This avoids the 3% fee that PayPal takes!
What a beautiful boy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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