First the good news: she can stop taking the Lasix! All four chambers of her heart are the correct size and shape. Her tricuspid valve no longer leaks. Her mitral valve still leaks, but that's not a big deal.
The bad news: since her tricuspid valve no longer leaks, they can't use the pressure of the leak to estimate the pressure in her pulmonary artery. This means that there's no way to know if her pulmonary hypertension is gone without....
Another surgery.
Yup, this summer Lily will need to have another heart cath surgery to measure the pressure in her pulmonary artery. From what the doctor could see today, it *looks* like her PH is much better, maybe even gone. But there's no way to know for sure. So they are waiting until one year post-repair to do the heart cath to check. Until then she will stay on the Sildenafil (boo), but hopefully the heart cath will show no more PH and she can stop taking it by the end of the summer.
I am sorry to hear she will need another cath yet I am so glad to hear that her heart is healing! Praise God! She's a little fighter for sure!
oh no!!!! big hugs xxx
i also wanted to let you know i am in the process of transferring the majority of my blogs over to google reader to make it easier for me to follow them...but i am worried it will look like i have stopped following you! this is not the case...cant wait to see you journey unfold in the new year! have a blessed one xxxxjane x
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